11 seconds agore: #283 🌹UOJB! I'm so glad my kids haven't had that. When I've contacted teachers after my kids of told me, the teachers have responded really well.
11 seconds agore: #283 🌹UOJB! I'm so glad my kids haven't had that. When I've contacted teachers after my kids of told me, the teachers have responded really well.
• Views: 2,583
239William Lewis
12 hours, 50 minutes agore: #238 NetworkKed I must have erased the memory of those lights!
12 hours, 50 minutes agore: #238 NetworkKed I must have erased the memory of those lights!
• Views: 起点加速器打不开
19 hours, 35 minutes ago ....and ruined. The Federal Government must again seek the Death Penalty in a do-over of that chapter of the original trial. Our Country cannot let the appellate decision stand. Also, it is ridiculous that this process is taking so ...
19 hours, 35 minutes ago ....and ruined. The Federal Government must again seek the Death Penalty in a do-over of that chapter of the original trial. Our Country cannot let the appellate decision stand. Also, it is ridiculous that this process is taking so ...
• Views: 5,096
420Eventual Carrion
23 hours, 11 minutes agore: #240 So Cal Greek Hippie My Ovation is Ruby Red like the Fender.
23 hours, 11 minutes agore: #240 So Cal Greek Hippie My Ovation is Ruby Red like the Fender.
• Views: 6,329
312Eventual Carrion
1 day, 3 hours agore: #212 jaunte My oldest sons wife teaches in San Antonio.
1 day, 3 hours agore: #212 jaunte My oldest sons wife teaches in San Antonio.
起点加速器 安卓
• Views: 启点加速连不
301A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!
2 days, 11 hours agore: #225 The Pie Overlord! Joke. And from the last five seconds, I think the server he was "browbeating" was in on it.
2 days, 11 hours agore: #225 The Pie Overlord! Joke. And from the last five seconds, I think the server he was "browbeating" was in on it.
• Views: 9,724
515Jebediah, RBG
2 days, 18 hours agore: #98 Dr Lizardo Miller: "Le ship c'est moi"
2 days, 18 hours agore: #98 Dr Lizardo Miller: "Le ship c'est moi"
• Views: 10,288
428Eventual Carrion
3 days, 2 hours agore: #420 Dread Pirate Ron It's kinda been their thing over the last 30 years or so.
3 days, 2 hours agore: #420 Dread Pirate Ron It's kinda been their thing over the last 30 years or so.
US News
• Views: 10,968
3 days, 21 hours agore: #36 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips Does he have parents? They can cut his hair.
3 days, 21 hours agore: #36 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips Does he have parents? They can cut his hair.
• Views: 10,459
Trevor Noah: Are Trump’s Secret Police Finally Pulling Out of Portland?
3 days, 22 hours agore: #434 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷 Not only that, but even though some are keeping it on the down low, people are already looking ahead to 2024 and another open nomination race, which happens whether or not Trump gets re-elected. With that ...
3 days, 22 hours agore: #434 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷 Not only that, but even though some are keeping it on the down low, people are already looking ahead to 2024 and another open nomination race, which happens whether or not Trump gets re-elected. With that ...
• Views: 11,911
New From Seth Meyers in the Sea Captain’s Attic: Trump Praises “Demon Sperm” Doctor Who Pushed Hydroxychloroquine
Once again
93Eventual Carrion
4 days, 3 hours agore: #56 teleskiguy Or at least say he is.
4 days, 3 hours agore: #56 teleskiguy Or at least say he is.
• Views: 11,554
启辰d60usb连不上手机_太平洋汽车网:2021-6-10 · 原因可能有:1.BIOS设置把USB禁用了,重新设置usb使用。2.USB接口和主板的连线断了,建议直接咨询经销商。 【太平洋汽车网】原因可能有:1.BIOS设置 ...
4 days, 12 hours agore: #282 A Three Hour Tour I've got his songbook! That is surely one of his more obscure pieces, but certainly one of his most germane.
4 days, 12 hours agore: #282 A Three Hour Tour I've got his songbook! That is surely one of his more obscure pieces, but certainly one of his most germane.
• Views: 14,112
4 days, 20 hours agore: #120 BigPapa I'm a firm believer that the more he conducts interviews the worst poll numbers are going to get.
4 days, 20 hours agore: #120 BigPapa I'm a firm believer that the more he conducts interviews the worst poll numbers are going to get.
• Views: 奇点加速器ios
Laura Marling by Herself: “Fortune”
5 days, 10 hours agore: #24 austin_blue It's only Tuesday...It's only Tuesday...It's only Tuesday...
5 days, 10 hours agore: #24 austin_blue It's only Tuesday...It's only Tuesday...It's only Tuesday...
• Views: 13,354
Watch Live: Trump’s Puppet Attorney General William Barr Lies to the House Judiciary Committee
4 days, 22 hours agore: #386 mmmirele Funny! I work in Google Payments, so likely at the other end of the chain from where you are. Google was similar. Its corporate culture has never been conducive to working from home, but in early March ...
4 days, 22 hours agore: #386 mmmirele Funny! I work in Google Payments, so likely at the other end of the chain from where you are. Google was similar. Its corporate culture has never been conducive to working from home, but in early March ...
• Views: 起点加速器官方网站
A Real Gem From the NPR Music Archives: Mavis Staples, NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert
318Eric The Fruit Bat
5 days, 20 hours agore: #307 jaunte (cough) Bernie Madoff (cough)
5 days, 20 hours agore: #307 jaunte (cough) Bernie Madoff (cough)
• Views: 起点加速器打不开
John Oliver on China and the Uighurs: Atrocities on a Massive Scale
6 days, 2 hours agore: #154 Yeah Sure WhatEVs Interesting. David Jolly was on my blocked list. Let's see how he does going forward.
6 days, 2 hours agore: #154 Yeah Sure WhatEVs Interesting. David Jolly was on my blocked list. Let's see how he does going forward.
• Views: 18,213
6 days, 17 hours agore: #179 Belafon Moistened bints for Biden!
6 days, 17 hours agore: #179 Belafon Moistened bints for Biden!
• Views: 20,691
Stunning: Luca Stricagnoli Plays Mozart on Guitar (Turkish March)
6 days, 22 hours agore: #104 BeachDem Daddy's little bagmen.
6 days, 22 hours agore: #104 BeachDem Daddy's little bagmen.
• Views: 启点加速连不
深度评测启辰星:全家人的快乐车_太平洋号_太平洋汽车网:2021-6-11 · 评价一辆车好不好,本身是有很多维度和不同取向的。一定要说加速迅猛、转向敏捷、底盘硬朗、操控灵活的车就是好车那并不是实事求是的态度。因为很多车买来不是为了驾驶者自己而存在,更多是满足全家每一个人的出行,比如接送老婆孩子,又或者偶尔帮年迈的父母
179retired cynic
1 week agore: #177 Backwoods_Sleuth Following BabelColour @StuartHumphreyes is wonderful! Amazing images!
1 week agore: #177 Backwoods_Sleuth Following BabelColour @StuartHumphreyes is wonderful! Amazing images!
• Views: 21,370